
Friday, January 22, 2010

Missing: Verbal filter, with small leak. If found, please return to...

I don't know if it is just as I am getting older, or if it is related to pregnancy, or the nausea, or what, but I seem to have lost my filter. I used to have one, although it leaked. I would usually catch myself before saying something too hurtful or controversial or that in any way might rock the boat. As I mentioned, it leaked. I have always had a tendency to blurt. But at least it was there sometimes. seems to have disappeared altogether. I found myself just saying or posting whatever comes into my head, regardless of how it will come across to others. My sister was commenting on it the other night, with equal parts amusement, horror and admiration. On one hand, it feels really good to be honest and not have to weigh my words. On the other hand, I truly don't want to be offensive and hurtful to people whom I care deeply about.

Sigh. That whole "speaking the truth in love" thing. I have a lot of growing up left to do.


  1. Actually, that's one of the the things I totally love about you!

  2. :blushes: Thank you so, so much Theresa! You always lift people up! :)

  3. I like your writing, and I love how you put it out there. At the same time, this is something I wrestle with on a regular basis. On the other hand, justice is an issue that lends itself towards putting oneself out on a limb, and that is a lot of what I write about. le sigh... I <3 your writing and hope you keep it up!
