
Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Open wide, switch feet

My husband is amazingly athletic. not. My most frequent form of exercise involves putting my foot in my mouth. I say things and later look back and cringe, or even just wonder, "What was I thinking? Was I thinking?" As often as I do it, it is a pity it doesn't burn real calories. I'd be svelte beyond my wildest dreams...

Anyway, I recently started a post that was an extremely loose conglomeration of all kinds of snippets floating around in my head. It was briefly posted a couple of times while I was working on it, and I imagine some of you saw it.

Now, I think I have a fairly realistic view of myself when it comes to writing. I enjoy it (when it isn't required--I loathed writing in school), but I consider other family members and friends to be far more gifted than I. They also follow consistent standards of punctuation and capitalization. (I claim that part of it is the influence of Spanish, which has different rules, but the truth is I am lazy). They also digress less often than I.

Anyhow, the aforementioned post was really bad, both content-wise and stylistically. It made no sense, and just meandered all over the place without saying much of value. Yes, this post is doing the same thing, but the other one wasn't nearly as interesting as this, which should tell you something.

So, for those of you who wondered what happened to that post, parts of it may eventually appear in the future (other parts definitely will not). I hope it will not be recognizable.


  1. Delete buttons are our friend, right? :)That's the beauty of technology.

  2. Yes, they are! Well, except when one of the kids accidentally deletes something...
